"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
A member of our Deliverance Team was recently asked by a pastor from another church, "Who is your covering?" This pastor was adamant about this question and advised them to come to their ministry to be "properly" covered.
My wife and I have been part of ministries where the leaders invoked fear in the congregations, revealing potential control (charismatic witchcraft, mind control, Jezebel spirit) from these "covering" pastors. In many of these ministries, members were expected to seek the leaders' opinions on everything from buying a home or a car to going fishing. If you feel you must ask your pastor about everything, consider seeking deliverance from these controlling spirits and more.
We have often heard, "You must have a covering." Well, guess what? We can't find any supporting scriptures. Growing up in a traditional church setting, we always saw this structure and never questioned its biblical validity because it was done through the years. But just because something is done through tradition does not make it right according to the Word of God.
Some people experience salvation, healing, deliverance, and baptism in the Holy Spirit in cars, houses, motels, and woods โ outside the "church." God's Spirit and anointing are not limited to the four walls of a building. My wife Shanah is a prime example. She received the gift of the Holy Spirit in her living room around 11 PM at night. She was not in a church building.
If the subjection, submission, and "covering" of a pastor, leader, or church are required, why would these experiences occur without a pastor, leader, or church present? When Jesus was on earth, He was not confined to a church. He went to different places. When the disciples were called, they were not in a church as we know it today. Paul was called, and he was not in a church. The "church" as we know it today was not around then. Were they out of the will of God? The Bible says in James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God."
Hebrews 13:17 says, "Obey your spiritual leaders and submit to them, for they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, as men who will have to render an account. Let them do this with gladness and not with sighing and groaning, for that would not be profitable to you." This scripture does not say you must seek a spiritual leader. If you have your own ministry, then you are the spiritual leader, and you submit to God. However, if you are not a spiritual leader and you have a pastor or spiritual leader, by all means, submit to them if you choose, not because they say you have to.
Note that the above scripture says "leaders" and "them." Read this scripture again slowly. If your leader is not walking in deliverance, do you think he or she can guard your spiritual welfare? Never put your pastors, leaders, or churches in a higher position than God.
๐ "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
๐๐ Remember, your ultimate authority is God. Seek His guidance in all things and ensure your leaders align with His Word.
๐๏ธ๐ก God's Spirit is not confined to a building. He moves where He wills, and His anointing is available to all who seek Him wholeheartedly.
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