Unmasking the Truth: Can Christians Have Demons? Find Out Now!

" And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons... - Mark 16:17 (NKJV)

Ever wondered if believers can be demon-possessed? Discover what the Bible really says and how you can break free from spiritual oppression.What Does the Bible Say?

When it comes to the topic of whether Christians can have demons, there is much debate and confusion. Interestingly, the term "Christian(s)" appears only three times in the entire Bible. Yet, the Bible is filled with accounts of believers who had demons. So, if you're a believer, this topic is especially relevant to you.

What Does the Bible Say?

Firstly, there are no scriptures that explicitly state that Christians can or cannot have demons. The same applies to non-believers—there are no verses saying that unsaved people can or cannot have demons, or that demons automatically leave when one gets saved. This brings us to a compelling question: Who has demons? The answer is simple—everyone can have demons.

Mark 16:17 (NKJV) says: "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons..."

This verse clearly states that all believers—men, women, and children—have the authority to cast out demons. If believers have the authority to cast out demons, it implies that demons can indeed afflict believers.

👿 Understanding Demons and Their Impact

Demons are spiritual entities that control, harass, torment, or drive you to act against your will. They can manifest in various forms such as temper, depression, fear, sickness, suicidal thoughts, homosexuality, feelings of rejection, and even obesity.

Demons can reside in your body, causing physical ailments. For instance, in many cases, obesity can be a result of demonic oppression, making it nearly impossible to lose weight through diet alone. You cannot diet a demon away; it must be cast out in the name of Jesus. 🙏

They can also affect your soul, which encompasses your mind, will, and emotions. This is why you might find yourself thinking, doing, and feeling things that you wish you didn’t.

However, demons cannot inhabit your spirit. Your spirit is where Jesus resides. This explains how Christians can have demons while still being filled with the Holy Spirit. The demons surround your spirit, trying to prevent you from doing spiritual activities like praying, reading the Bible, or studying scripture 📖.

🕊️ The Power of Deliverance

To understand how demons operate, clasp your hands together tightly, interlocking your fingers. Squeeze hard. Notice how nothing can get between your palms—not even air. This is what demons do to your spirit—they surround it and attempt to hinder your spiritual growth 🌱.

Deliverance is the process of casting out these demons, allowing you to grow closer to Jesus. It's important to note that while some Christians might not be entirely "clenched" by demons, the goal of these evil entities is to oppress and hinder every believer.

📜 Biblical Tips for Deliverance

1. Recognize the Authority in Jesus' Name

Mark 16:17 (NKJV) clearly states that believers have the power to cast out demons in Jesus' name. Embrace this authority and use it confidently. 💪

2. Stay Rooted in Prayer and Scripture

Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV): "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints." Constant prayer and immersion in God's Word strengthen your spirit against demonic oppression. 🙏📖

3. Seek Deliverance Ministries and Support

James 5:16 (NKJV): "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." Don't hesitate to seek help from deliverance ministries or trusted spiritual leaders who can guide you through the process of deliverance. 🕊️👥

💭 Final Thoughts

Understanding that believers can have demons is crucial for spiritual warfare. It empowers you to seek deliverance and grow closer to Jesus. Remember, the Bible calls believers to cast out demons in His name, exercising the authority given to us.

⚠️ A Critical Note on Deliverance

In the event you are very critical of the DELIVERANCE message, or especially if you have a mocking demon (making fun of JESUS CHRIST and the Miracle of DELIVERANCE), there is a good chance that Psalm 109, Isaiah 54:17, and many other like Scriptures will take effect on you. You reap what you sow, but maybe, just maybe, if you sincerely ask JESUS to forgive you, there may be a chance of the judgment of God not falling on you.

To become a Christian, Romans 10:9 says, “Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that JESUS is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” You must believe JESUS is the Son of God, that He died for your sins, and that you are sorry for and repent of your sins.

Say this prayer, but be sincere –

“Father, in JESUS' name I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. I repent Lord. Come into my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. With your help, I will “stop sinning” (John 5:14). Amen.”

🕊️ Key Takeaways:

Believers Can Have Demons: The Bible supports the idea that all believers can encounter demonic oppression.

Authority in Jesus' Name: Mark 16:17 emphasizes that believers have the authority to cast out demons. 💪

Demons Affect Body and Soul: They can cause physical ailments and emotional turmoil but cannot inhabit your spirit.

Deliverance is Essential: Casting out demons is necessary for spiritual growth and freedom. 🌱

By understanding these truths and embracing the authority given by Jesus, you can overcome demonic oppression and live a victorious life in Christ. 🕊️💖

🤔 The Reality of Demons in Believers

Everyone involved with DELIVERANCE casts demons OUT of CHRISTIANS. If you cast demons out of non-Believers, they could not keep the demons out because JESUS is not Lord of their life. If you only used common sense, it should persuade you. The demons are stronger than common sense though. You will not believe how much your eyes will be opened after just one DELIVERANCE session. We have noticed the physical features of people changing for the good after they've gone through deliverance.

If a person does not believe in hell, does it change the fact? If a person does not believe in Speaking in TONGUES, does it change the fact? If you don't believe demons are INSIDE of you, it doesn't change the fact. Remember the “once I was blind but now I see” guy in the Bible (John 9:25)? The religious demons would not believe him or his parents. He was, however, set free.

JESUS came to set the captives free and to destroy the works of the devil. Do you want to be free, or would you prefer that the demons you don't think you have keep you in bondage? You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. There was a time when I thought I did not have demons too. However, I prayed, “IF I have any demons, I want to get rid of them”. I wasn't even convinced about the demons, but my heart was right. JESUS did indeed set me free, just as He wants to set everyone free (after they get saved).

It was not automatic. I had to DO something. That was to submit to DELIVERANCE. When you got saved, you had to DO something. It was not automatic. I had a ton of demons, most of which had to do with my religious background. It should be our goal to get rid of all the demons we are aware of.

📖 Biblical Examples of Demonic Oppression in Believers

Paul's Thorn in the Flesh: A demon. Paul said so!

Judas: The devil entered INTO him.

Peter: JESUS told Peter, “get behind me, satan” because the devil got INTO him.

Ananias and Sapphira: Believers.

The Woman with the Issue of Blood: A Believer.

The Woman Bowed Over for Years: A Believer.

Mary Magdalene: A Believer, had demons cast OUT of her. Mark 16:9: “Now when [JESUS] was risen early the first [day] of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, OUT of whom He had cast seven demons.” Luke 8:2: “And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, OUT of whom went seven demons,”. OTHER women also got some DELIVERANCE!

Mark 7:21-23, JESUS speaking – “For from WITHIN…”, then He mentions a bunch of demons INSIDE. I am here to tell you by personal experience that FEW accept the reality of demons INSIDE, even though JESUS said it. Then they say, “well, they are not demons, that's their personality.” It is indeed THEIR personality. But it is the DEMON's personality. Do you have a job? What do you do all day at that job? The demons also have a job. They also do it all day. A lying demon makes you lie. A fear demon makes you afraid. A temper demon makes you have a temper. A suicide demon makes you want to kill yourself. (If you thought about killing yourself, the demon is there. They are good at their job, but sometimes they would rather torment you with the idea for years before they perform their job.)

Before you got Saved, you didn't believe it. Before you spoke in TONGUES, you didn't believe it. (Some of you still don't believe it.) Look what you missed all those years. Well, DELIVERANCE is another gift or blessing from God to make our life down here a little better. Of the thousands and thousands of Christians who had many, many demons cast OUT of them, you could never convince them they never really had demons.

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