Be advised and warned: following these exhortations may leave you with a pew all to yourself.
When you see churches on almost every corner in the U.S., it's clear that this is not what Jesus Christ envisioned when He established the first-century ecclesia. Today, our calling is not for revival, but for a profound transformation.
Understanding Transformation
The term "transformation" is closely related to "metamorphosis," the change a caterpillar undergoes to become a butterfly. This term is fitting for what our churches need today. According to the dictionary, metamorphosis is a change of physical form, structure, or substance, especially by supernatural means. It signifies a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances.
Producing True Disciples
Churches today can produce good church members, but the restored ecclesia is God's provision for producing true disciples of Jesus Christ. The walls of Christ's original purpose for Jerusalem (the body and bride of Christ) have been broken down for nearly eighteen centuries. We are called to rebuild an identifiable, called-out, separated people, governed in all aspects of daily life under the Headship and Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Scripture Reference:
Ephesians 4:15-16 (NKJV): "But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love."
Characteristics of the Restored Ecclesia
The places where these truly separated people gather should be known for their spiritual characteristics:
These communities of Christ-followers must stand as living, breathing testimonies to the Living, Sovereign Christ. This living body, joined under Christ, the Head, creates a cooperative evangelist, deliverer, healer, and disciple.
The Call for Restoration
We must have eyes to see that this type of living body is the only kind worthy of the full Headship of Jesus Christ. This restored testimony of the church is essential as we move toward the Lord's coming.
Scripture Reference:
The Need for Qualitization
To get our "churching" right, we should consider Nehemiah's wall rebuilding and Gideon's army sifting process. This process of reduction and refinement is necessary for all facets of contemporary Christianity.
Scripture Reference:
Education and Transformation
It's high time we become responsible to God concerning the education of Christian young people. The public school curriculum, designed by ungodly planners, aims to destroy Christian principles. Instead, we must educate our children in a way that aligns with God's principles.
Be advised and warned: following these exhortations may leave you with a pew all to yourself. However, you will find yourself much closer to the only friend worth having—Jesus Christ, the Living Lord.
By rediscovering the true essence of the ecclesia and striving for transformation, we align ourselves more closely with God's original purpose for His church. Let's commit to becoming a living testimony to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ.
Call to Action
Dust off your Strong's Concordance and study the Greek terms EXOUSIA and DUNAMIS to understand the kind of potent, restored, and activated deliverance essential for Christ-centered endeavors. This is the transformation our churches need as we progress, transform, and overcome.
Final Scripture Reference:
Closing Prayer
May we heed this call for transformation and become the true disciples that Jesus Christ desires, living under His Lordship and Headship, and advancing His kingdom here on earth. Amen.
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