demonic influence

Unmasking the Hidden: The Reality of Demonic Influence in Believers' Lives 👀✨

June 11, 20243 min read

A person breaking free from dark chains in a bright, natural setting, symbolizing freedom and peace. The individual appears relieved and liberated, with subtle elements representing spiritual warfare, such as a broken chain and a protective aura around them.

Recognizing the Invisible Chains

Many individuals have been under demonic influence for years, even from childhood, without realizing that their struggles are spiritual. They often accept these issues as part of their personality because they have never experienced anything different. However, compulsive or irrational behavior, which goes against God's will and undermines the integrity of Christians, often indicates demonic harassment (external) or demonization (internal).

Commonly Accepted Issues 🛑

Issues such as fear, rage, anger, pride, confusion, extreme lust, homosexuality, bad temper, gluttony, depression, infirmity, inferiority complex, and recurring nightmares can be signs of demonic influence. Skeptics of deliverance often witness manifestations of demons during prayer, leading to their astonishment and, in many cases, physical or psychological restoration.

The Church's Neglect 😢

Sadly, many churches in the U.S. neglect the practice of expelling demons, a practice common in the early church. This neglect may stem from the Western belief that Christians cannot be demonized. Some doctrines claim that all demons are automatically cast out once a person becomes a Christian. However, this is not always the case.

Christians and Demonization 🤔

God revealed to my wife and me that even Christians, including Holy Ghost-filled, tongue-speaking believers, CAN be demonized (not possessed). Often, these demons need to be confronted and cast out. One of the enemy's biggest deceptions is the belief that Christians cannot be demonized. The enemy prefers to operate undetected, which might explain why deliverance is not commonly practiced in many churches. They fail to discern the demonic roots of some issues.

The Power of Deliverance 💪

Deliverance is not a universal solution, and it doesn't mean all your problems will disappear after expelling demons. However, most people feel significantly better afterward. Discernment is essential, but there's no harm in receiving prayer for deliverance if you exhibit symptoms of demonization. You have much to gain and nothing to lose.

Scriptural Foundation 📖

Let's ground our understanding in scripture:

  • Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV): "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

  • James 4:7 (NKJV): "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

  • Mark 16:17 (NKJV): "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues."

Embrace the truth and seek deliverance, for the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. 🙏🕊️


Understanding and recognizing the signs of demonic influence is crucial for spiritual growth and freedom. Many believers struggle with hidden battles, but through discernment, prayer, and deliverance, they can experience restoration and peace. Don't let the enemy's deception hold you back. Seek the truth, embrace deliverance, and live a victorious life in Christ.

By focusing on these key areas, we can shed light on the importance of spiritual warfare and deliverance, helping believers break free from the chains that bind them and live in the freedom that Christ offers.

Here's A List Of Benefits People Have Felt Or Experienced After They Have Been Delivered, Or Received Some Degree Of Deliverance.

(This Is Not An Exhaustive List Of Every Benefit)



We put together a FREE Video Course where you can get more information on various topics like, Can a Christian Have Demons, How Do Demons Enter a Person, How Do You Get Rid of Demons, and much more!

deliverance course

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